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Активні фармацевтичні препарати

» Фармацевтика » Активні фармацевтичні препарати

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Ім'я: L-Epicatechin
English synonyms: 3,3′,4′,5,7-PENTAHYDROXY-FLAVANE
Номер CAS: 490-46-0
Молекулярна формула: C15H14O6
Молекулярна маса: 290.27
Номер EINECS: 207-710-1

Green tea extract, like many herbs, is standardized in the production phase to guarantee that a certain percentage of the active ingredients remain present in the final capsulized form.

The active ingredients in green tea extract are polyphenols in the form of flavonoids like catechins and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Polyphenols, flavonoids, catechins and EGCG are powerful antioxidants that appear to interfere with and reduce the spread of certain types of cancer cells. The antioxidant activity of EGCG in green tea extract is purportedly up to 100 times more powerful than that of vitamin C or E.

Epicatechin is primary known for its ability to enhance muscle growth and strength, but also combat muscle loss, catabolize fat and provide high levels of anti-oxidants, making it the go-to product for a wide range of health benefits.

1.Muscle builder/fat oxidizer, myostatin inhibitor, bodybuiding and fitness
2.Provides general cardiovascular benefits
3.Enhances fatigue resistance and oxidative capacity
4.'Vitamin' Health Benefits
5.Improve spatial memory & cognition
6.Similar effect of "insulin"

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