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مکمل های اسید آمینه

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نام محصول L-Arginine ظاهر پودر کریستالی سفید
مشخصات 99% شماره CAS 74-79-3
MF C6h14n4o2 مگاوات 174.201
نقطه ذوب 222 سی نقطه جوش 367.6 سی

L-arginine is an organic compound with the molecular formula C6H14N4O2.It is a non-essential amino acid for adults,but it is generated slowly in the body. It is an essential amino acid for infants and young children, and has a certain detoxification effect. It exists in large quantities in protamine and other proteins, and is also the basic composition of various proteins.

1. L-Arginine can be used as nutritional supplement; flavoring agent. For adult non-essential amino acids, but the body produce slower, as the essential amino acids for infants and young children, certain detoxification. Heated reaction with sugar available special flavor. Infusion of amino acids and amino acids essential component of preparation. GB2760-2001 provides for the use of food with spices.
2. L-Arginine ornithine cycle is an integral component, has an extremely important physiological functions. Eat arginine, can increase the activity of liver arginase, helps the blood into urea and excreted out. Therefore, arginine for hyperammonemia, liver dysfunction and other diseases quite effective.
3. L-Arginine is an amino acid base pairs, for adults, although not essential amino acids, but in some cases, such as immature or organism under conditions of severe stress, the absence of arginine, the body can not maintain positive nitrogen balance and normal physiological function. Lack of arginine may lead to the patient if the is too high, and even coma. If infants with congenital lack of certain enzymes of the urea cycle, arginine it is necessary, or can not maintain its normal growth and development.
4. L-Arginine important metabolic function is to promote wound healing, it can promote the synthesis of collagen, it can repair the wound. Secretion of fluid in the wound can be observed the increase of arginase activity, which also shows that the wound in the vicinity of the arginine requirement substantially. Arginine can promote micro-circulation around the wound and promote wound healing as soon as possible.

مورد مشخصات فنی
شرح White crystalline power
سنجش ,% دقیقه 99.0~101.0
چرخش ویژه[آ]020 +26.90 to+ 27.90
State of solution,% دقیقه 98.0
ضرر در خشک شدن,% حداکثر 0.5
پس مانده های احتراق,% حداکثر 0.1
کلرید (as Cl),% حداکثر 0.02
Sulphate(as SO4),% حداکثر 0.02
فلزات سنگین (as Pb),% حداکثر 0.001
PH 10.5~12.0
Ammonium (as NH4) ,% حداکثر 0.02
Iron (as Fe) , % حداکثر 0.001

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