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Farmaceutické peptidy

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Kigtropin je obchodná značka pre synteticky vytvoreného človeka,Kigtropin je najlepší somatropín HGH na trhu, najúčinnejšie a najlepšie výsledky, aké môže človek dosiahnuť, kigtropin je skonštruovaný. Objednávku posielame z USA, chyna, a EÚ. Sme distribútorom?veľkoobchodník kigtropínu HGH? kigtropín HGH, Získajte viac kigtropínu HGH Čína (pevnina) výrobcov, vývozcov, dodávateľov, továrne, Spoločnosti z Číny .
Kigtropín je ľudský rastový hormón (hGH) Somatropín vyrobený technológiou rekombinantnej DNA identickou s telom prirodzene produkovaným HGH.

Zlyhanie rastu detí v dôsledku nedostatku endogénneho rastového hormónu (GHD).
U dospelých s nedostatkom rastového hormónu,KIGTROPIN znižuje tukovú hmotu,zvyšuje svalovú hmotu a zlepšuje energiu,vitalitu a subjektívnu pohodu. U pacientov trpiacich ťažkými popáleninami,Ochorenie svalov spojené s AIDS,alebo podstupujú veľké operácie,KIGTROPIN podporuje hojenie rán,tlmí proteín-katabolickú reakciu a zlepšuje stav dusíka v celom tele po operácii.

Kigtropin comes as a freeze dried white powder – 10 x 10 IU (3.3 mg) vials per box. Like several others it started as a made up brand name which became popular due to good reviews in the bodybuilding community. It is manufactured by an unknown Chinese lab – which seems to be a common practice some Chinese companies use to avoid the HGH legality issues

In patients who continue growth hormone therapy after childhood GHD, the recommended dose to restart is 0.2 - 0.5 mg per day. The dose should be gradually increased or decreased according to individual patient requirements as determined by the IGF-I concentration.

In adults with adult-onset GHD, therapy should start with a low dose, 0.15 - 0.3 mg per day. The dose should be gradually increased according to individual patient requirements as determined by the IGF-I concentration.

In both cases treatment goal should be insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) concentrations within 2 SDS from the age corrected mean. Patients with normal IGF-I concentrations at the start of the treatment should be administered growth hormone up to an IGF-I level into the upper range of normal, not exceeding the 2 SDS. Clinical response and side effects may also be used as guidance for dose titration. It is recognized that there are patients with GHD who do not normalize IGF-I levels despite a good clinical response, and thus do not require dose escalation. The maintenance dose rarely exceeds 1.0 mg per day. Women may require higher doses than men, with men showing an increasing IGF-I sensitivity over time. This means that there is a risk that women, especially those on oral oestrogen replacement are under-treated while men are over-treated. The accuracy of the growth hormone dose should therefore be controlled every 6 months. As normal physiological growth hormone production decreases with age, dose requirements may be reduced.

Kigtropin for Elderly:

In patients above 60 years, therapy should start with a dose of 0.1 - 0.2 mg per day and should be slowly increased according to individual patient requirements. The minimum effective dose should be used. The maintenance dose in these patients seldom exceeds 0.5 mg per day.

How to Inject:

The subcutaneous administration of growth hormone may lead to loss or increase of adipose tissue at the injection site. Preto, injection sites should be alternated.

The injection should be given subcutaneously and the site varied to prevent lipoatrophy.

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0 + 4 = ?

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