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Kozmetični peptidi

» Peptidi » Kozmetični peptidi

  • Specifikacije
  • Opis izdelka
  • Uporaba izdelka
Ime izdelka KGF-2
Videz beli prah
CAS 126469-10-1
Esej 99%
Shelf Life 24 months when properly stored
Shranjevanje Keep in a cool, dry, dark location

KGF is a Keratinocyte Growth Factor issued from a bio-process derived from natural ingredients. It is a bio-identical naturally occurring human protein that promotes hair growth measured in thickness, density of follicles and length. This product is easily incorporated and posted added to lotions or serums.

KGF, a member of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family, is a potent mitogen for keratinocytes and epithelial
cells, which stimulates the proliferation of a wide variety of cells including mesenchymal, neuroectodermal and endothelial cells.

KGF is produced in E.Coli is a single, non-glycosylated, polypeptide chain containing 208 amino acids and having a molecular mass of 19300 Dalton.

1. Reduces and prevents lines and wrinkles by actively generating new skin cells.
2. Refines texture glides effectively and lights up skin.
3. Delivers of KGF to the base of the follicles helps strengthen hair while stimulating hair follicles to produce strong hair shaft.

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