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Стероиди за подобряване на секса

» Сурови стероиди » Стероиди за подобряване на секса

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Име на продукта:Jin Yang Base
Анализ: 99%
Опаковане: 1kg/foil bag
Външен вид: Light yellow crystalline powder, slightly soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethanol, soluble in lipids, без мирис
Използване: Sexual function decline; Non-organic sexual disorder, ED patients

It is the first compound developed specially for the treatment of premature ejaculation (PE) при мъжете 18-64 years old. works by inhibiting the serotonin transporter, increasing serotonin's action at the post synaptic cleft, and as a consequence promoting ejaculatory delay. As a member of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) family, was initially created as an antidepressant. въпреки това, unlike other SSRIs, is absorbed and eliminated rapidly in the body. Its fast acting property makes it suitable for the treatment of PE but not as an antidepressant.

It is as a new fast SSRI, a short half life, a selective 5 - HT reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), for the treatment of premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. is a selective 5 - HT reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), such drugs widely used to treat depression and related affective disorders.

This ingredients belongs to phosphodiesterase type 5 of this kind of inhibitor. When sexuelle erregung, neurone of NANC and nitrogen oxide in endothelial cells synthase and catalyse L-arginine to synthetize nitrogen oxide, which activate guanosine to synthesis increase, then lead cavernous body of penis smooth muscle and artery of penis into relaxation, blood into penis sponge sinus, make penis erect.

Тест Спецификации Резултат
Assay by HPLC 98% 99.27%
Външен вид Yellow fine powder Съответства
миризма & taste Slight bitter Съответства
Mesh size 100% pass 80 мрежа Съответства
Разтворимост Разтворим във вода Съответства
Загуба при сушене ≤2,0% 1.15%
Heavy metals PPM <30ppm Съответства
Общ брой плочи <1000cfu/g 800cfu/g
мая & Мухъл <100cfu/g 90cfu/g
E.Coli Отрицателна Съответства
S.Aureus Отрицателна Съответства
Салмонела Отрицателна Съответства

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