Igtropin, imenovan tudi IGF1 LR3, je polipeptidni hormon približno enake velikosti kot insulin, oz 70 amino kisline. Igtropin je visoko anabolični hormon, ki se sprošča predvsem v jetrih (temveč tudi v perifernih tkivih) s stimulacijo rastnega hormona (GH). Odgovoren je za velik del anabolične aktivnosti GH.
Dolgi R3 IGF-1 najdemo kot IGtropin, manufactured by Chinese GenSci. Predpostavlja se, da gre za isto spojino, kot jo proizvaja groped, but not sure if they obtained the raw material through an agreement with it. Povratne informacije o izdelku so bile pozitivne, showing that regardless of sourcing provides a Long R3 IGF-1 quality. Še vedno je dražje, skakanje iz $ 500 per milligram. Višjo ceno odtehta dejstvo, da je v uporabni obliki, vsak komplet vsebuje 10 ampule z 100 mcg hormona v vsakem, in drugo 10 viale s sterilno snovjo trebuies redčijo hormone.
Unlike HGH is administered subcutaneously, the injection of IGF-1 Long R3 is intramusuclar. Although subcutaneous injections are pisibile and if this product, they give a little more discomfort than intramusuclare. It is best to inject in muscle group trained that day, in an effort to stimulate local growth.
The dose is usually between 20 mcg and 80 mcg, ADMINISTRATION being made daily. The daily dose can in turn be separated into two, to distances of 10-12 hours. Some bodybuilders venture with doses greater than 100 mcg per day, and it is said that some top professional bodybuilders even use 200 mcg per day during periods of accumulation of muscle mass. But given the astronomical costs that would result from such practices it is more likely to be hearsay. Among amateur bodybuilders the daily dose of 30 mcg etse, which allows a 1 milligram vial to reach for a month.