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Aktiewe farmaseutiese middels

» Farmaseutiese middels » Aktiewe farmaseutiese middels

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Produk Naam Hyaluronic Acid
CAS No. 9004-61-9
Molekulêre Formule C14H22NNaO11
Molekulêre gewig 403.31
EINECS NR. 232-678-0
Graad Standaard Cosmetic Grade, Medisyne Graad

Hyaluronic acid(HA) is a straight chain macromolecular mucopolysaccharide composed Of repeat disaccharide units of glucuronic acid and N-acetylglucosamine. It widely consists in the extracellular space of human and animal tissue, vitreum, umbilical cord, skin joints synovia and cockscomb, ens. The commercial HA is commonly a sodium salt, called sodium hyaluronate, habitually called hyaluronic acid. HA is a new biological at home and abroad. Its molecular weight is from several ten thousand to several million. It's aqueous solution has outstanding moisture keeping ability, high viscoelasticity and lubricity. It is widely used in cosmetics, pharmacy and health and beauty food.

Biochemical drugs with high clinical value, which are widely used in all kinds of eye surgery, such as crystal implantation, corneal transplantation and glaucoma surgery, etc.Can also be used to treat arthritis and accelerate wound healing.Used in cosmetics, it can have unique skin protection effect, can keep skin moist and smooth, delicate, soft, elastic, has the anti-wrinkle, anti-wrinkle, beauty care and restore the skin physiology function.

1. Food supplements:

Hyaluronic Acid through the oral administration after the digestion absorption, increases in vivo Hyaluronic Acid synthesis the precursor, causes in the skin and other organization's Hyaluronic Acid resultant quantity increases, thus enables the skin the water retention property to increase, rich elasticity, wrinkle reduction.

2. Cosmetics applications:

Hyaluronic Acid has outstanding moisture keeping ability, thus called Natural Moisturing Factor in the world. Hyaluronic Acid is a common ingredient in skin-care products, which can be used as a very effective topical humectant, which can be used for facial wrinkles, reduction of folds and wrinkles, and removal of scars.

3. Medical applications:

Hyaluronic Acid could be used in eye surgery, such as corneal transplantation, cataract surgery, glaucoma surgery, and surgery to repair retinal detachment.

Test Items Spesifikasie Test Results
Voorkoms Wit poeier Wit poeier
Glucuronic Acid (%) ≥44.0 46.45
Sodium hyaluronate, % ≥91.0 96.01
Transparency,(0.1%water solution) ≥99.0 99.9
pH(0.1%Water Solution) 6.0-7.5 6.42
Molekulêre gewig (Da) According to customer requirements 1.05x 106
Protein,% <0.1 0.068
Loss on Drying ≤10.0 7.71
Residue on Ignition, % ≤20 14.65
Heavy Metal(as Pb), dpm <20 <10
Arseen,dpm <2 <2
Bacteria Count,CFU/g <100 <10
Molds & Yeast,CFU/g <10 <10


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