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Pharmaceutical Peptides

» Peptides » Pharmaceutical Peptides

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Product nomen Hexarelin
CAS No. 140703-51-1
Alia Nomina Hexarelin Acetate
Formulae hypotheticae C47H58N12O6
M. pondus 3108.28
Gradus Standard Medicina Grade

Hexarelin is a synthetic peptide composed of 6 amino acids making it a "hexaptide" with a structure that has been considered to promote the release of Growth Hormone. Research has shown that the effects from GH include increased bone mineral density, increased mitosis and meiosis which leads to more muscle mass, triglyceride hydrolysis which causes prominent fat loss, connective tissue strengthening, and improved skin elasticity.Because Hexarelin’s amino acid sequence may help in promoting the body to produce more Growth Hormone, it will not shut down the bodys own production. This is a very important factor and makes Hexarelin an attractive chain when compared to Growth Hormone alone.

Hexarelin is a synthetic GH secretagogue, structurally similar to GHRP-6, which is in the growth factor family known as Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides or GHRPs. The results of several studies conducted on both mice and rats has led to the conclusion that Hexarelin is one of the most powerful GH-Releasing Peptides. Hexarelin, unlike GHRP-6, does not increase appetite because of its inability to drastically increase Ghrelin levels, which is responsible for the increased appetite and quicker gastric emptying. Hexarelin is a synthetic growth hormone secretagogue made from six amino acids

Hexarelin comes in a freeze dried powder just like the other GHRP peptides and storage should be done in a cool dry place until reconstituted and placed in a refrigerator. Bacteriostatic water is used to reconstitute the powder and an insulin syringe is the preferred method for administering subcutaneous injections of hexarelin. Users will notice 200mcgs is the saturation dose for hexarelin and over a few weeks of use total desensitization may begin to take place.

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