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نام محصول Hexarelin Acetate
نام مستعار Examorelin
CAS 208251-52-9
فرمول مولکولی C49H62N12O8
وزن مولکولی 947.11
خلوص 98%
مشخصات 2mg/vial
مقطع تحصیلی درجه دارویی
ظاهر پودر سفید

Hexarelin (Hexarelin Acetate) is a synthetic hexapeptide in the family which stimulates the release of (GH) and does not interfere with the body's ability to produce its own GH. Structurally, Hexarelin (Hexarelin Acetate) is similar in structure to GHRP-6 but without the appetite increase because of its inability to drastically increase Ghrelin levels which is responsible for the increased appetite and quicker gastric emptying. Hexarelin is a synthetic secretagogue made from six amino acids. It contains powerful releasing properties in the human body.

Hexarelin in studies over a certain period has shown that it reduces visceral fat. Hexarelin (Hexarelin Acetate) like other Releasing Peptides is most effective synergistically when administered with GHRH such as Sermorelin or Modified GRF 1-29. The increase of circulating GH through Hexarelin use causes levels to rise in the liver. is the prime cause of muscle growth in response to GH stimulation. Users typically experience increased strength and muscle mass, as well as a very pronounced fat loss.

Hexarelin (Hexarelin Acetate) is a synthetic hexapeptide in the family which stimulates the release of (GH) and does not interfere with the body's ability to produce its own GH. Structurally, Hexarelin (Hexarelin Acetate) is similar in structure to GHRP-6 but without the appetite increase because of its inability to drastically increase Ghrelin levels which is responsible for the increased appetite and quicker gastric emptying. Hexarelin is a synthetic secretagogue made from six amino acids. It contains powerful releasing properties in the human body.

Hexarelin in studies over a certain period has shown that it reduces visceral fat. Hexarelin (Hexarelin Acetate) like other Releasing Peptides is most effective synergistically when administered with GHRH such as Sermorelin or Modified GRF 1-29. The increase of circulating GH through Hexarelin use causes levels to rise in the liver. is the prime cause of muscle growth in response to GH stimulation. Users typically experience increased strength and muscle mass, as well as a very pronounced fat loss.

Hexarelin comes in a freeze dried powder just like the other GHRP peptides and storage should be done in a cool dry place until reconstituted and placed in a refrigerator. Bacteriostatic water is used to reconstitute the powder and an insulin syringe is the preferred method for administering subcutaneous injections of hexarelin. Users will notice 200mcgs is the saturation dose for hexarelin and over a few weeks of use total desensitization may begin to take place.

Also, the occasional flare up of the pituitary has been noted when dosing far beyond saturation doses. Desensitization can be cleared easily by taking a break from hexerlin usage for a few days to a few weeks. This GHRP is the strongest, and because of the desensitization factor, I believe the optimal way to use this peptide would be to blend it at low doses with other GHRP's like GHRP2, GHRP6 or iPamorelin.

Test Items مشخصات نتایج آزمون
ظاهر White to creamy white crystalline powder پودر کریستالی سفید
شناسایی و مطابقت دارد
Completeness of solution Meets the requirements.500mg being مطابقت دارد
dissolved in 10ml of acetone
انحلال پذیری Insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in مطابقت دارد
alcohol. Slightly soluble in ether and in
fixed oils, soluble in acetone; very soluble
Melting range 213ºC~220ºC 217سی
Specific optical rotation +8.8°~ +12.0° +11.6درجه
اب ≤0.5٪ 0.1%
Residue roration ≤0.2٪ 0.06
فلزات سنگین ≤0.002% مطابقت دارد
سنجش 97.0%~103.0% 99.6%
Residual solvents Methanol≤1000ppm 74ppm
Ethanol≤1000ppm 39ppm
Methylene chloride≤500ppm 28ppm
Benzene≤2ppm ND

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3 + 8 = ?

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    واتس اپ: +8615636286252

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