наименование товара: Hexapeptide-2
КАС №: Н/Д
Формула: C46H56N12O6
Чистота: >98%
Растворимость: растворим в воде
вид: белый порошок
Hexapeptide-2 is composed of Hexapeptide-2. It is a skin brightening peptide to brighten skin and even out skin tone.
Hexapeptide-2 is a skin brightening peptide to brighten skin and even out skin tone. It is mainly used for whitening and freckle.Hexapeptide-2 competitively blocked the entrance of receptor and various factor signals on melanoblasts, weakened the activity of melanoblasts, reduced the production of melanin, and gradually evened the skin color.
Одиночная примесь (ВЭЖХ):≤1,0%
Содержание воды (Карл Фишер):≤8,0%
Содержание ацетата:≤15,0%
TFA Content:≤1,0%
Содержание пептидов:≥80%
Хранилище:2-8 degree, store in dry and cool place