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مکمل های اسید آمینه

» داروسازی » مکمل های اسید آمینه

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نام محصول:Glutathione
شماره CAS: 70-18-8
فرمول مولکولی: C10H17N3O6S
وزن مولکولی: 307.32
خلوص : 99% HPLC
ذخیره سازی:دمای اتاق دور از نور

Glutathione is a tripeptide compound formed by the condensation of glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine through peptide bonds. Glutathione is the most important low molecular mercaptan for antioxidant stress in mammalian cells. It was discovered in 1921, and its chemical structure was determined in 1930. Dr. Al Mindel, a famous nutrition and health care expert in the United States, called glutathione a triple effective anti-aging amino acid, and was also known as the antioxidant master of nature. Its properties are stable when it is solid, and its aqueous solution is easily oxidized to oxidized glutathione in air. It widely exists in bread yeast, wheat germ, animal liver, chicken blood, pig blood, tomato, pineapple and cucumber, among which wheat germ and animal liver have the highest content of 100 ~ 1000mg/100g. It has the functions of anti-oxidation, scavenging free radicals, detoxification, enhancing immunity, delaying aging, anti-cancer, anti-radiation and so on. It also helps white blood cells kill bacteria, prevent vitamin C and E oxidation, and prevent strokes and cataract formation. علاوه بر این, glutathione binds to carcinogens and excretes them in the urine.

1.Beauty and personal care:
Glutathione can eliminate wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, shrink pores, reduce pigment, the body has an excellent whitening effect.

2. غذا & Beverage:
1) Added to the surface products, can play a role in the reduction. Not only to make bread to reduce the time to the original one-half or one-third of a substantial improvement in working conditions, and play a strengthening role in food nutrition and other functions.
2) Added to the yogurt and infant food, the equivalent of vitamin C, can play a role in stabilizing agent.
3) Mix it into the fish cake, can prevent the color deepens.
4) Added to meat and cheese and other foods, with enhanced flavor effect.

موارد مشخصات نتیجه
Glutathione 99% 99.02%
ظاهر White or Off-White Crystalline Powder مطابقت دارد
رنگ پودر سفید مطابقت دارد
بو مشخصه مطابقت دارد
طعم مشخصه مطابقت دارد
Physical Characteristics
اندازه ذرات NLT 100% از طریق 80 مش مطابقت دارد
ضرر در خشک شدن <=12.0% مطابقت دارد
خاکستر (Sulphated Ash) <=0.5% مطابقت دارد
کل فلزات سنگین ≤10ppm مطابقت دارد
تست های میکروبیولوژیکی
تعداد کل بشقاب ≤10000cfu/g مطابقت دارد
مخمر کل & قالب ≤1000cfu/g مطابقت دارد
E.Coli منفی منفی
سالمونلا منفی منفی
Staphylococcus منفی منفی

فرم درخواست ( ما در اسرع وقت به شما پاسخ خواهیم داد )

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5 + 9 = ?

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    واتس اپ: +8615636286252

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    سایت اینترنتی: www.steroid-peptide.com

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