Kina tillverkare av anabola steroider
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Farmaceutiska peptider

» Peptider » Farmaceutiska peptider

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produktnamn: Growth hormone releasing peptide GHRP-6
CAS-nr: 87616-84-0
Molekylär formel: C46H56N12O6
Molekylvikt: 873.01
Härstamning: Kina
Typ: HGH

GHRP-6, also known as releasing hexapeptide, is a hormone peptide hormone. Like all related peptides, GHRP-6 is widely used to increase the production of natural growth hormone in the body. The increase of growth hormone is conducive to anabolism, fat loss, recovery and overall health, and may also achieve the purpose of anti-aging.

Growth hormone releasing peptide-6 (GHRP-6) belongs to GH secretagogue drugs. These drugs include GHRP-2, GHRP-6, epamoline and liurelin. Their main function is to stimulate the pituitary to produce more growth hormone.

The mechanism of action of GHRPs is twofold, because they lead to the increase of GH by amplifying the natural growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) signal transduction pathway and inhibiting the effect of somatostatin.

GHRP-6 allows your body to naturally produce and release more human hormones, so that the liver secretes more ig-1. GHRP-6 also affects the central nervous system in a manner very similar to some steroids, both protecting neurons and enhancing strength.

People who use this substance usually report increased strength and muscle mass, overall feeling better, and reduced body fat. The effect of this peptide on neurons is similar to that of some steroids, which can significantly enhance the strength of neurons.

Due to the use of synthetic growth hormone, growth hormone releasing peptide-6 can also be used to stimulate the production of human natural growth hormone. It should be noted that moderate use of this peptide is usually accompanied by an increase in water weight or what is commonly referred to as swelling. This may cause the fat burning effect of the substance to be ignored in the process of use. This is also a good material for repairing injury, because it has a very positive effect on the strengthening and regeneration of tendon and connective tissue.

GHRP-6 is a potent stimulator of natural Growth Hormone release. GHRP-6 is a Hexa-peptide that promotes food intake by stimulating hunger and helps increase energy metabolism. Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides, similar to GHRP-6, are most commonly used for treatment of Growth Hormone (GH) deficiencies, eating disorders, fetma, etc. Research has shown that use of these HGH Peptides increases lean muscle mass.

When using a GHRH along with GHRP-6, dosing should be reduced to 50-100 mcg at a time.For increase in GH levels, higher doses within the suggested range definitely increase effect. With regard to healing benefit, for example for tendonitis, the low end of the range is often entirely sufficient and noticeably greater effect is not necessarily seen with increased dose.While there is no sharp cut-off between a solution of GHRP-6 still being good and having lost potency with time, as a general guideline, a vial should be used within a month of having been reconstituted. Past this, I would discard the vial and start a new one.

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