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Ženski steroidi

» Surovi steroidi » Ženski steroidi

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ime izdelka:Gestodene
Model NO.: št. CAS: 60282-87-3
Primerno za: Odrasel
Čistost: >99%
Mf: C21h26o2
Einecs: 262-145-8
Tališče: 190-192°c

Gestodene is a synthetic version of a female sex hormone. When combined with other synthetic hormones, it interferes with a woman's menstrual cycle, decreasing the symptoms of severe menstruation and preventing pregnancy. Used correctly, it is more than 99% effective at preventing unwanted pregnancies.

Gestodene as progestin far the strongest and one of the lowest dose of birth control pills. Its progestin activity is 2 times L norethindrone, there is no androgen and estrogen activity, there is an anti-estrogen effect. Oral absorption quickly and completely, after 1 do 2 hours of peak blood concentration, bioavailability 100%, eliminating t1 / 28 hours. Clinical and ethinyl estradiol or a composite sheet consisting of three photo used for short-acting oral contraceptives. Due to its reliable contraceptive effect, good cycle control, on lipid metabolism can produce beneficial effects, improve hdl, it is the most ideal one oral contraceptives.

The main use for gestodene is as an oral contraceptive. It mimics the naturally occurring female sex hormone progesterone, which is partially responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle. In order to be effective as a contraceptive, a synthetic version of the other female sex hormone,estrogen, is combined with gestodene.

Test Items Specifikacija Test Results
Description Bel ali skoraj bel kristalinični prah Bel kristalinični prah
Tališče 191.0~193.0ºC 192C
Loss of drying ≤1,0 % 0.5%
Heavy Metal ≤20ppm 15ppm
TLC Only one spot Only one spot
Esej ≥99.5% 99.91%
Zaključek conform with the USP 32

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