Enkele Onreinheid(HPLC):1.0%
Peptied inhoud(N%):80%(deur %N)
Suur inhoud(HPLC):15.0%
MW :1570.4
Formule :C80H113N18O13Cl
Voorkoms:Wit poeier
Aminosuur samestelling:10% van teetiese
Waterinhoud(Karl Fischer):6.0%
Ganirelix is a synthetic decapeptide compound. Its acetate, Ganirelix Acetate, releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor antagonist. The amino acid sequence is: Ac-D-2Nal-D-4Cpa-D-3Pal-Ser-Tyr-D-HoChemicalbookmoArg(9,10-Et2)-Leu-L-HomoArg(9,10-Et2)-Pro-D- Ala-NH2. Clinically, it is mainly used in women receiving assisted reproductive technology in controlled ovarian stimulation programs to prevent premature lutei nizing hormone peaks and to treat fertility disorders caused by this reason.
Ganirelix should not be used in women who are already pregnant, and because of this the onset of pregnancy must be ruled out before it is administered. Women using ganirelix should not breast feed, as it is not known whether ganirelix is excreted in breast milk.