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Ferulinska kislina
Kemijsko ime: (2E)-3-(3-hidroksi-4-metoksifenil)prop-2-enojska kislina
št. CAS: 1135-24-6
Molekularna formula: C10H10O4
Molekularna teža: 194.19

Ferulic acid is a hydroxycinnamic acid, an organic compound. It is an abundant phenolic phytochemical found in plant cell walls, covalently bonded as side chains to molecules such as arabinoxylans. As a component of lignin, ferulic acid is a precursor in the manufacture of other aromatic compounds. The name is derived from the genus Ferula, referring to the giant fennel (Ferula communis).

When applied topically, ferulic acid acts like other antioxidants in that it helps to slow the ageing process by reducing the effects of damaging free radicals on the skin. It is also thought to protect against sun damage, as well as assisting in skin's regeneration functions to tackle skin that has already been over-exposed. In addition it has the benefit of working well alongside other antioxidants, enhancing the stability and the efficacy of vitamins C and E.

-Ferulic acid powder has function of enhancing human bodys motility of sperm and mobility.
-Ferulic acid powder can inhibit platelet aggregation, increase 3H-5HT releasing from platelet.
-Ferulic acid powder can inhibit thrombosis, lower blood viscosity, in order to increase brain microcirculation, it can used for curing ischemia palsy.
-Ferulic acid powder can be used to antioxidation, clear free radical, protective cell, accommodate body immune function.
-Ferulic acid powder can anti-bacteria, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti- mutation, anti- ultraviolet radiation.

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