Čínsky výrobca prášku anabolických steroidov
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Meno Produktu:Fertirelin Acetate
Synonymá: Luteinizinghormone-releasing factor,LH-RH
CAS č.: 66002-66-2
Molekulárny vzorec: C57H80N16O14
Molekulová hmotnosť: 1213.37 g/mol
Čistota: 99%min
Vzhľad: Biely prášok

Fertirelin is a synthetic luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) analogue, and it is a potent LHRH agonist. After a transient increase, continuous administration results in downregulation of LH and FSH levels followed by a suppression of ovarian and testicular steroid biosynthesis.

Fertirelin was administered at the beginning of the protocol followed 7 days later by 500 μ G cloprosterol. Two days later, a second dose of fertirelin was given and AI performed 16-19 h later regardless of the incidence of behavioral oestrus. The conception rate did not differ between the 50 μ G fertirelin group (61.1%; N = 72) and the 100 μ G group.

1)To supplement LH in cases of ovulation failure.
2)To induce lactation post partum.
3)Management of genital hypoplasia and reduced libido in males.
4)To manange signs of estrus in ferrets.

názov CAS č. názov CAS č.
tymalfasín 69440-99-9 Enfuvirtid (T-20) Acetát 159519-65-0
tymopentín acetát (TP-5) 69558-55-0 Angiotenzín acetát 58-49-1
Octreotid Acetate 83150-76-9 somatostatín 51110-01-1
Melanotan II acetát 121062-08-6 Vapreotid acetát 103222-11-3
Melanotan I Acetát 75921-69-6 Dy norphin A (1-13) 72957-38-1
Secretin Acetate 17034-35-4 Leuprolid 53714-56-0
Ornipresín acetát 3397-23-7 Eledoizín acetát 69-25-0
Oxytocín acetát 50-56-6 GLP-1 (7-37) Acetát 106612-94-6
Lypresín acetát 50-57-7 Pramlintide Pramlintide
Nesiritid acetát 114471-18-0 Aviptadil acetát 40077-57-4
kalcitonín (Losos) Acetát 47931-85-1 Exenatid acetát 141732-76-5

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