Čínsky výrobca prášku anabolických steroidov
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Ženské steroidy

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Meno Produktu Estradiol Valerate
CAS č. 979-32-8
MF C23H32O3
MW 356.51
Číslo EINECS. 213-559-2
Hustota 1.1024 (hrubý odhad)
Bod varu 438.83°C (hrubý odhad)
Bod topenia 144°C

Estradiol Valerate is the parenterally-administered synthetic valerate ester of estradiol, a steroid sex hormone vital to the maintenance of fertility and secondary sexual characteristics in females. As the primary, most potent estrogen hormone produced by the ovaries, estradiol binds to and activates specific nuclear receptors. This agent exhibits mild anabolic and metabolic properties, and increases blood coagulability.

Estradiol Valerate is used by women to help reduce symptoms of menopause (such as hot flashes, vaginálna suchosť). These symptoms are caused by the body making less estrogen. This medication may also be used by women who are not able to produce enough estrogen ( for example, due to hypogonadism, primary ovarian failure) and by men to treat prostate cancer.

1.Estradiol valerate is anti estrogen steroids which is used in Hormone Replacement Therapy in postmenopausal women who have had a hysterectomy Estradiol valerate contains a hormone which is similar to the hormone oestrogen that is produced by the body . When women go through the menopause , levels of oestrogen become low . This leads to symptoms such as hot flushes , night sweats and dryness of the vagina . Estradiol valerate helps to replace the low levels of oestrogen which may help to relieve the symptoms of the menopause . This is known as hormone replacement therapy .

2.Estradiol valerate is a female estrogen hormone . It works by replacing natural estrogens in a woman who can no longer produce enough estrogen . It works for advanced prostate cancer by antagonizing male hormones . Treating certain symptoms of menopause ( eg , hot flashes , vaginal itching , burning , or dryness ) . It is used to treat low levels of estrogen caused by certain conditions . It may be used to treat certain types of prostate cancer ( advanced androgen dependent ) . It may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor.

Vzhľad Biely alebo takmer biely kryštalický prášok Vyhovovať
Bod topenia 143~150°C 144~149°C
Identifikácia TCL Pozitívny
UV Vyhovovať
A Vyhovovať
Optical rotation +41°~+47° +43.5°
Voda ≤ 0,1 % 0.05%
Estradiol limited ≤ 1,0 % Vyhovovať
Granularity 100%≤20um Vyhovovať
Organická kyselina ≤ 0,5 % 0.25%
Skúška 98.0%~102,0 % 99.30%
Záver The products meet the specification of USP34.

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