Fabricante de pó de esteróides anabolizantes da China
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Esteróides de pró-hormônios

» Esteróides brutos » Esteróides de pró-hormônios

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Nome do Produto: Epistane
Alias: 2uma,3a-Epithio-17a-Methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol; Androstan-17-ol, 2,3-epithio-17-methyl-, (2uma,3uma,5uma,17b)-
Categorias de Produtos: Intermediários & Química Fina;Produtos farmacêuticos;Esteróides;Sulfur & Selenium Compounds
Ensaio: 98%
CAS: 4267-80-5
Aparência: pó branco
M.F.: C20H32OS
M.P.: 168-169°C
Uso: Epistane is a methylated derivative of the steroid epitiostanol (E588800). Epistane is a readily orally active compound that lacks the 3-ketone common to most anabolic steroids. Epistane greatly incr eases protein synthesis and build up in lean muscle mass

Epistane, exhibits a strong, long lasting anti-estrogen effect that is organ tissue specific. This means it works only where you want it to work. Broad range estrogen blockers and aromatase inhibitors can result in system shut down, aching joints, and decreased IGF-I expression. Epistane binds specifically to the 17-estradiol receptor protein in the target tissues. Because of its long lasting and strong effects on specific tissue,

Epistane can significantly reduce and reverse the effects of gynocomastia because not only does Epistane specifically block estrogen in breast tissue but it induces an estrogen-depleted condition which leads to apoptosis or the death of the breast tissue cells. Studies show that small doses of the parent compound, Epitiostanol, at just 10-20mg/week showed a complete disappearance of the mass and pain in 25% of the male patients in the clinical trail, while the other 75% of the patients showed at least a 50% reduction in the mass and complete loss of pain in just 4-8 weeks. Thats results in 100% of the male users with no side effects.

Epistane is more than an anti-estrogen, no entanto, as it also binds to androgen receptors in skeletal muscle. As a PRO-Anabolic compound Epistane promotes increases in strength and lean body mass with an anabolic/androgenic value (Q ratio) do 12. With most powerful androgens there is a high risk of the natural suppression of the gonads. Epistane, unlike other PRO-Anabolic compounds that have recently been released, is relatively mild on the gonads and, due to the anti-estrogenic effects and the fact that Epistane keeps LH levels elevated, post cycle therapy becomes a breeze.

Epistane is a DHT derived prohormone that was brought to market by RPN with their product "Havoc. " Epistane is an anti-estrogenic dry compound that will aid users in adding lean muscle mass as well as cutting fat. In addition to this, Epistane does not aromatize and is non-progestagenic. This basically means that while on Epistane, estrogen related side effects like gyno and progesterone related side effects like sensitive breast tissue are virtually non-existent. Users will experience little to no side effects while on Epistane, making it an ideal beginner prohormone.

Epistane also binds to androgen receptors in skeletal muscle cells and muscle stem cells. This leads to changes in muscle cell function and protein synthesis. In the case of muscle stem cells, which will actually change and fuse with your active adult skeletal muscles increasing the muscles potential for growth and repair. On the opposite side, the presence of androgens actually decreases the ability of stem cells to form new fat cells. So now have increased stem cell conversion to muscle cells and decrease the conversion of stem cells to fat cells, giving you more positive effects of nutrition and training

Descrição White Or Almost White Crystalline Powder Pó branco
Identificação Absorção infravermelha Positivo
Ensaio 97.0~103,0% 99.2%
Ponto de fusão 33~37ºC 34.5~36.5ºC
Perda ao secar 0.5%máximo 0.30%
Impurezas Orgânicas Voláteis 2500PPm max <1000PPm
Solventes residuais Meet the requirements.(USP29) confirma
Chromatographic purity sum of impurities:3.0%máximo <3.0%
Conclusão The specification conform with USP32 standard

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