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Активні фармацевтичні препарати

» Фармацевтика » Активні фармацевтичні препарати

  • Технічні характеристики
  • Опис продукту
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  • COA

Назва продукту: Доксорубіцину гідрохлорид
CAS: 25316-40-9
MF: C27H30ClNO11
МВт: 579.98
EINECS: 246-818-3
Точка плавлення: 216 °C (дек.)(освітлений.)
Температура зберігання: 2-8°C

Doxorubicin is available as both the conventional dosageform and a liposomal preparation, both of which are administeredby infusion. Doxorubicin HCl powder is available in10-, 20-, 50-, and 150-mg vials and is widely used in treatingvarious cancers, including leukemias, soft and bone tissuesarcomas, Wilms tumor, neuroblastoma, small cell lungcancer, and ovarian and testicular cancer.

Doxorubicin is an anthracycline antitumor antibiotic that inhibits DNA topoisomerase II by inducing double-stranded DNA breaks. By intercalating within DNA, doxorubicin inhibits nucleic acid synthesis and induces apoptosis by inducing the accumulation of the p53 tumor suppressor protein.

It is commonly used in the treatment of a wide range of cancers, including hematological malignancies (blood cancers, like leukaemia and lymphoma), many types of carcinoma (solid tumours) and soft tissue sarcomas.It is often used in combination chemotherapy as a component of various chemotherapy regimens.

Items Tested Специфікація Result
Чистота 98.0~102.0% 99.02%
опис Orange-red or red crystalline powder; No visible
evidence of contamination by foreign matter.
Identification A IR spectrum corresponds to the IR spectrum of the reference standard Confirm
Identification B The retention time of the doxorubicin peak in the chromatogram of the Assay preparation corresponds to that in the chromatogram of the Standard preparation, as obtained in the Assay. Confirm
Розчинність Soluble in water and methanol; slightly soluble in ethanol; practically insoluble in acetone. Відповідає
Residual Solvents
Acetone ≤ 0.5% 0.31%
Acetone +Ethanol ≤ 2.5% 0.60%
methanol ≤ 0.3% Not detected
Dichloromethane ≤ 0.06% Not detected
pH 4.0 до 5.5 5.1
Вміст води ≤ 4.0% 0.8%
Related Substances
Домішка А (Doxorubicinone) ≤ 0.5% 0.1%
Any Other unknown Impurity ≤ 0.1% 0.07%
Total unknown Impurities ≤ 0.3% 0.2%
Total Impurities ≤ 1.0% 0.9%
Висновок It complies to reference standard

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