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» Arzneimittel » Aminosäure-Ergänzungen

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Produktname DL-Alanine
CAS-Nr. 302-72-7
Molekularformel C3H7NO2
Molekulargewicht 89.09
Aussehen Weißes Puder
Probe 99%
Klasse Pharmaceutica/Food/Feed Grade

DL-Alanine is the racemic modification of alanine, which is a non-essential amino acid that occurs in high levels in its free state in plasma. DL-Alanine is a colorless to white needle crystal or crystalline powder that is odorless and has a peculiarly sweet taste. It begins to sublime above 200ºC and the melting point is 297ºC (decomposition). It dissolves readily in water(25C, 17%), slightly in ethanol and insoluble in ether. DL-Alanine is mainly used in food processing industry for nutritional supplements and seasoning, and also used in pharmaceutical industry. DL-alanine could enhance the effect of chemical seasoning sauce. Wiith a special sweet taste, DL-Alanine can improve the artificial sweetener, the acidity of organic acid and the flavor of vinegar. With sour, DL-Alanine could make salt fast tasty, to improve the effect of pickled vegetables and pichles. It could shorten the curing time and improve the flavor.DL-Alanine is an amino acid that occurs naturally in nature. It is a functional component in the alanine cycle which regulates the level of alanine aminotransferases which can be used as a diagnostic too l to predict type II diabetes.

1. It is mainly used as nutritional supplement and flavoring in food processing industry. It can also be used in the medical industry.

2. It has a good freshness and can promote the effects of chemical flavorings.

3. It has a peculiar sweetness and can improve the taste of the artificial sweeteners, improve the sourness of organic acids and the flavor of vinegar.

4. Its sourness may help salt enter vegetables, improve the quality of salted or sauce-pickled vegetables, cut short the pickling duration and improve the flavor.

5. It can be used as a corrector or buffer in the composition of wine or soft beverage, can prevent bubble wine from ageing and can decrease the odor of yeast.

6. Its function of antioxidation can be used in food processing. For instance, it can be used in oils, yolk jam, purified foods, sauce-pickled foods, and bra -pickled foods. It can both protect them from oxidation and improve their flavor.

7. It can be used as a raw material for Vitamin B6 synthesis and material for the research on metabolism of amino acids by medical organisms or on a biochemical basis.

tem Standard Testergebnisse
Identifikation A.H-NMR:Comply with the structure Entspricht
B.LC-MS:Comply with the structure Entspricht
C.The IR spectrum of sample should be identical with that of reference standard; Entspricht

The retention time of the major peak in the chromatogram of the Assay preparation corresponds to that in the chromatogram of the Standard preparation, as obtained in the Assay.

Trocknungsverlust ≤0,5 % 0.11%
Schwermetalle ≤10 ppm <10ppm
Sulfatasche ≤0.2%, determined on 1.0 g. 0.009%
Reinheit ≥99,0 % 99.82%
Probe 99.0% 99.9%

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