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پپتیدهای آرایشی

» پپتیدها » پپتیدهای آرایشی

  • مشخصات فنی
  • توضیحات محصول
  • استفاده از محصول
  • COA
نام محصول Dipeptide-2
CAS NO. 24587-37-9
ظاهر پودر سفید
خلوص >98% یا سفارشی
کاربرد Cosmetic peptides
استفاده moisturizing, anti-wrinkle, anti-aging

Dipeptide-2 is a peptide made up of two amino acids: valine and tryptophan.For example, A variety of peptides are made by the body where they control physiological processes. They do this by functioning as hormones or enzymes or by altering the function of cells. There are also synthetic peptides created by linking amino acids together in a laboratory. One area where peptides have gained prominence is in the area of skin care. A variety of peptides have been developed to improve the appearance of skin or treat skin aging.

1.It helps prevent puffiness and ,reduce bags under the eyes

2.Dipeptide-2 reduces existing facial wrinkles.

3.Dipeptide-2 is effective against the development of new wrinkles.

4.Dipeptide-2 decreases the depth of facial wrinkles caused by the contraction of from facial expressions, especially near the eyes and on the forehead

مورد مشخصات نتایج آزمون
ظاهر پودر سفید مطابقت دهید
شناسایی TLC:Standard solution and test solution same spot,RF مطابقت دهید
سنجش (Dry Basis) 98.0%~100.5% 99%
Specific Optical -2.4°~ -2.8° -2.71درجه
PH 4.5~7.0 5.3
فلزات سنگین (As Pb) ≤10ppm <10ppm
مانند ≤1ppm Not Detected
سرب ≤0.5ppm Not Detected
سی دی ≤1ppm Not Detected
HG ≤0.1ppm Not Detected
Related substance Spot not bigger than standard
solution spot
No spot
Residual solvent <0.5% مطابقت دارد
محتوای آب <2% 0.18%

فرم درخواست ( ما در اسرع وقت به شما پاسخ خواهیم داد )

پست الکترونیک:

4 + 6 = ?

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    پست الکترونیک: jacob@steroid-peptide.com

    واتس اپ: +8615636286252

    تلفن: 0086-15636286252

    سایت اینترنتی: www.steroid-peptide.com

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