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applikasjon: Antiprotozoal

Dimethylimidazole, also known as Dimetridazole, is a kind of white powder. Mainly used as veterinary antibiotics, is the first choice for prevention and treatment of swine diarrhea, can also be used as feed additives, conducive to promoting the growth of livestock and poultry, a small amount of daily chemical industry.

1,2-Dimethyl-5-nitroimidazole has significant inhibitory effects on blackheads such as trichomoniasis, trichomonas, trichogramma, flagellates and other protozoa, and necrotic anaerobic bacillus, Clostridium, Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio, Verticillium and other bacteria , Is the treatment of turkey blackhead disease and pig dysentery effective drugs. The product can also be used as a growth promoter to promote the production of pigs and chickens and improve feed conversion. When the product is used as a feed additive, the product is pre-mixed with 10-20 times the amount of feed in the feed processing and then mixed with the total amount of feed required. Or the first product and the appropriate amount of carrier mixed, and then added to the feed in the mixing.

In the processing of feed, granulation and other operations on the effect of this product has no effect. The goods can be mixed with feed, can also be added to drinking water for livestock and poultry drinking. Metronidazole low toxicity, animal tolerance is good, no carcinogenic teratogenic effect. The goods in the intestine is rapidly absorbed, distributed in the organization, the bile through the intestine, liver circulation. In poultry, the oxidation, reduction and metabolism after excreted. Residues in the carcass, after 48 h or after cooking, are largely destroyed. In the soil decomposition is also faster, it will not lead to environmental pollution. The goods are stable, in the dry place below 37 ℃ can be stored for two years

Analyseelementer Spesifikasjon Resultater
Kjennetegn an almost white or brownish yellow powder Almost white
Løselighet Lite løselig i vann; COMPLY
Identifikasjon positive reaction positive reaction
Smeltepunkt 138-141C 139.2-139.4C
2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole Precipitated have not muddily SENDE
Tap ved tørking ≤1% 0.16%
Sulphated ash ≤0,1 % 0.04%
particle size 40-80MESH COMPLY
Assay(onthedried basis) 98%-101% 99.3%
Konklusjon Utdannet

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