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استروئیدهای زنانه

» استروئید خام » استروئیدهای زنانه

  • مشخصات فنی
  • توضیحات محصول
  • استفاده از محصول
  • COA

CAS: 56-53-1
سنجش: 99%
EINECS: 200-278-5
فرمول مولکولی: C18H20O2
وزن مولکولی: 268.35
نقطه ذوب: 170-172 درجه سانتیگراد
ظاهر:پودر زرد روشن.
استفاده: واسطه های دارویی

Diethylstilbestrol (DES, former BAN stilboestrol) is a synthetic nonsteroidal estrogen that was first synthesized in 1938. It is also classified as an endocrine disruptor. Human exposure to DES occurred through diverse sources, such as dietary ingestion from supplemented cattle feed and medical treatment for certain conditions, including breast and prostate cancers.

From about 1940 به 1971, DES was given to pregnant women in the mistaken belief it would reduce the risk of pregnancy complications and losses.

که در 1971, DES was shown to cause a rare vaginal tumor in girls and women who had been exposed to this drug in utero. The United States Food and Drug Administration subsequently withdrew DES from use in pregnant women. Follow-up studies have indicated that DES also has the potential to cause a variety of significant adverse medical complications during the lifetimes of those exposed.

The United States National Cancer Institute recommends women born to mothers who took DES undergo special medical exams on a regular basis to screen for complications as a result of the drug. Individuals who were exposed to DES during their mothers' pregnancies are commonly referred to as "DES daughters" و "DES sons".

A synthetic, nonsteroidal estrogen. Recomended solvents are DMSO, DMF and ethanol, even in these solvents do not store in solution for any prolonged period of time.

Test Items مشخصات نتایج آزمون
Characteristics The colourless crystal , ether the white crystal powders مطابقت دارد
شناسایی مثبت مطابقت دارد
Acid Basicity Neutrality is reacted مطابقت دارد
Relavant substance مطابقت دارد مطابقت دارد
نقطه ذوب 169~172℃ 170~171℃
ضرر در خشک شدن ≤0.5٪
Less than 0.5%
Organic volatile impurities مطابقت دارد مطابقت دارد
خاکستر سولفاته ≤0.1٪
Less than 0.1%
سنجش 97.0~101.0% (C18H20O2) 99.5%
نتیجه Conform with BP1998 ,USP26 specification

فرم درخواست ( ما در اسرع وقت به شما پاسخ خواهیم داد )

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1 + 7 = ?

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