Sina Anabolic Steroids Powder Manufacturer
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Oral Steroids

» Steroids Raw » Oral Steroids

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alias: Dianabol; Methandienone;Methandrostenolone

CAS No: 72-63-9

Einecs No: 200-787-2

Puritas: 98%

Aspectus: cerussa.


MW: 300.44

Metandienone is an orally active, synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) and a 17α-methylated derivative of testosterone. Metandienone was originally developed in 1957 by CIBA and marketed in Germany and the United States. As the CIBA product Dianabol, metandienone quickly became the first widely used anabolic-androgenic steroid among professional and amateur athletes, and remains the most common orally-administered steroid for non-medical use. It is currently popular among bodybuilders for its incredible energy-providing and muscle-building properties.

Dianabol is the old Ciba brand name for the oral steroid methandrostenolone. It is a derivative of testosterone, exhibiting strong anabolic and moderate androgenic properties. This compound was first made available in 1960, and it quickly became the most favored and widely used anabolic steroid in all forms of athletics. This is likely due to the fact that it is both easy to use and extremely effective. In the U.S. Dianabol production had meteoric history, exploding for quite some time, then quickly dropping out of sight. Many were nervous in the late 80′s when the last of the U.S.

Generics were removed from pharmacy shelves, the medical community finding no legitimate use for the drug anymore. But the fact that Dianabol has been off the U.S. market for over 10 years now has not cut its popularity. It remains the most commonly used black market oral steroid in the U.S. As long as there are countries manufacturing this steroid, it will probably remain so. One of the legal supplier for dbol powder in china is MARVEL PHARMA, it only supply high quality raw steroid powders for bodybuilding.

Similar to testosterone and Anadrol 50, Dianabol is a potent steroid, but also one which brings about noticeable side effects. For starters methandrostenolone is quite estrogenic. Gynecomastia is often a concern during treatment, and may present itself quite early into a cycle (particularly when higher doses are used). At the same time water retention can become a pronounced problem, causing a notable loss of muscle definition as both subcutaneous water and fat build. Sensitive individuals may therefore want to keep the estrogen under control with the addition of an anti-estrogen such as Nolvadex and/or Proviron. The stronger drugs Arimidex, Femara, or Aromasin (antiaromatase) would be a better choice if available.

Test Specification Proventus
Aspectus White or Almost White Crystalline Powder Conforms
Liquescens punctum 163-167 163.5
Damnum de Siccatio ≤0.50% 0.23%
Imprimis Rotationes +7~+11° +8.5°
Residua de Ignition ≤0.10% Conforms
Selenium ≤500ppm Conforms
Heavy Metal <200ppm Conforms
TLC 6a- hydroxy dianabol ≤2%

6β- hydroxy dianabol ≤2%



Assay(by HPLC) 97~103% 99.15%
conclusio The specification conform with BP80 standard

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