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DHEA steroidi

» Surovi steroidi » DHEA steroidi

  • Specifikacije
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  • COA
ime izdelka: Dehidroepiandrosteron acetat / prasteron acetat / DHEA acetat
CAS: 853-23-6
MF: C21H30O3
MW: 330.46
Kategorije izdelkov: Farmacevtski intermediati;Steroidi;17-Ketosteroidi;Biokemija;Hidroksiketosteroidi;kemija;Intermediati & Fine kemikalije;Metaboliti & Nečistoče;Farmacevtski izdelki;API

Dehydroisoandrosterone 3-acetate is an important intermediate for the synthesis of various hormones, family planning supplies of steroid hormones,estradiol, estriol and so on.It applies in the field of pharmaceutical raw materials and pharmaceutical intermediates for the synthesis of steroid hormone drugs. Preparation Products Epiandrosterone acetate.

Dehydroisoandrosterone is a hormone that is naturally made by the human body. It can be made in the laboratory from chemicals found in wild yam and soy. Vendar, the human body cannot make from these chemicals, so simply eating wild yam or soy will not increase Dehydroisoandrosterone acetate levels.

Anabolic Raw Steroids Powder Dehydroisoandrosterone is used for slowing or reversing aging, improving thinking skills in older people, and slowing the progress of Alzheimer's disease.Athletes and other people use to increase muscle mass, strength, and energy. ButAnabolic Raw Steroids Powder Dehydroisoandrosterone use is banned by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).DHEA is also used by men for erectile dysfunction (ED), and by healthy women and women who have low levels of certain hormones to improve well-being and sexuality.

Some people try Anabolic Raw Steroids Powder Dehydroisoandrosterone to treat systemic lupus erythematosus, weak bones, multiple sclerosis (GOSPA), low levels of steroid hormones , depression, schizophrenia, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and to slow the progression of Parkinson's disease. It is also used for preventing heart disease, breast cancer, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.DHEA is used for weight loss, for decreasing the symptoms of menopause, and for boosting the immune system.

Test Items Specifikacija Test Results
Description White to almost white crystalline powder Conform
Tališče 149~153ºC Conform
Esej ≥99,0 % 99.88%
Nečistoča ≤0,5 % 0.13%
Specific rotation +12° ~ +15° +13°
Izguba pri sušenju ≤0,5 % 0.20%

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