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Testosteronski steroidi

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Ime izdelka: Desoksi testosteron acetat
Drugo ime:Desoksi testosteron acetat nemetilirana Phera,Desoksi T acetat,DTA,Desoksi testosteron acetat
Videz: bel do umazano bel fin prah
Čistost: 99%
Odmerjanje: Desoksi T acetat 10 ml (100mg/ml)

Desoxy T Acetate is a potent anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) and a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It is a metabolite of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in the body and is also a pheromone found in elephants and boars. It resembles desoxymethyltestosterone (17α-methyl-5α-androst-2-en-17β-ol) in chemical structure because desoxytestosterone is the non-17a-methylated analogue of desoxymethyltestosterone. Desoxymethyltestosterone is better known as madol or pheraplex, so desoxytestosterone is sometimes referred to as “unmethylated phera”.

Desoxytestosterone has an anabolic:androgenic ratio of 160:60 vs. testosterone by subcutaneous injection. Desoxytestosterone acetate first appeared on the market as a component of AX’s “3-AD”. The acetate ester will enhances solubility significantly and intramuscular injections into subjects have produces remarkable results compared to testosterone. Anecdotal reports of Desoxy-T Acetate appeared to yield positive outcomes with insignificant undesirable effects inside the four week cycles. Be that as it may, due its mellow nature in regards to side effects it can without much harm be run longer than a month, for example, six to two months long. Since it’s un-methylated, it stacks great with methylated mixes without expanding hepatotoxicity. At the point when contrasted with different aggravates, a few episodic reports have compared 2-Androstenol/Desoxytestosterone to the testosterone inferred anabolic androgenic steroid Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise; EQ) as far as bulk building properties, yet not at all like EQ it doesn’t aromatize. Other normal correlations were to Boldione, yet with perceptible impacts at a lower measurement than Boldione.

Desoxy testosterone acetate used for :
-Anti-Catabolic (Muscle mass retention in a caloric deficit/while cutting)
-Decreased Body Fat
-Enhanced Muscle Pumps
-Improved Mood
-Increased Size
-Increased Endurance
-Increased Lean Body Mass (Via enhanced protein synthesis)
-Increased Strength
-Increased Recovery Speed
-Muscle Hardening (Increased muscle hardness

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