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Nazwa produktu: Coluracetam MKC-231

Nr CAS: 135463-81-9

Formuła: C19H23N3O3

Czystość: 99%

Waga molekularna: 341.40

Wygląd zewnętrzny: biały kryształ w proszku

Temperatura wrzenia: 634.1C at 760 mmHg C

Opis: Coluracetam (BCI-540) is a nootropic drug of the racetam family. (for research only)

Aplikacja: mainly applied to promote intellectual product. /raw material used in Synthesis/ pharmaceutical raw material

Coluracetam (MKC-231) is a synthetic Racetam drug purported to be a Nootropic compound. It does not
have a large body of evidence investigating it, but the mechanisms of action (as well as structute)
appear to be very distinct from other racetam compounds like Piracetam or Aniracetam.

Coluracetam appears to interact with a process known as high affinity choline uptake (HACU for short),which is the rate-limiting step of drawing choline into a neuron for synthesis into the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Increasing the HACU rate appears to increase the activity of cholinergic neurons, so it is a desired target for cognitive enhancement.

Interventions in rats (as there is no human evidence currently) support the usage of coluracetam at
very low oral doses to preserve HACU that is otherwise impaired by the use of research drugs that are
known to impair HACU. The limited evidence looking at the inherent effects of coluracetam on the
HACU of normal neurons has failed to find any significant interaction.

Coluracetam has also been noted to associate with choline transporters physically, but it is not known exactly what it does once associated.Overall, there is currently insufficient evidence to support the usage of coluracetam for cognitive enhancement. Further studies are needed to see if it has a therapeutic role in instances where HACU
may be impaired (such as Alzheimer's disease).

Enhance mental intelligence

Boost memory and leaning capabilities

Improve brain power to solve problems and protect it from any chemical or physical injury

Enhance motivation level

Enhance the control of cortical/subcortical brain mechanism

Improve sensory perception

Nazwa produktu Coluracetam
Test analizy Specyfikacja Wynik
Opis Biały krystaliczny proszek, bezwonny Odpowiadać
Rozpuszczalność Łatwo rozpuszczalny w wodzie, nierozpuszczalny w etanolu Odpowiadać
PH 6.0~7,5 6.9
Klarowność i kolor roztworu Solution should be clear and colorless Odpowiadać
Substancje pokrewne 5„CMP 0.3%
Prosta nieczystość
Razem inne zanieczyszczenia
Chlorek 0.05% Odpowiadać
Amon 0.05% Odpowiadać
Fe 0.01% Odpowiadać
Fosforan 0.1% Odpowiadać
Strata przy suszeniu ≤6,0% 1.3%
Metale ciężkie 0.002% Odpowiadać
arsenek 0.0001% Odpowiadać
Endotoksyny bakteryjne 0.3UE/mg Odpowiadać
Limit drobnoustrojów Odpowiadać Odpowiadać
Analiza (na bazie suszu) ≥99,0% 99.8%

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