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Фармацевтични пептиди

» Пептиди » Фармацевтични пептиди

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Външен вид : Бяла пудра

Специфично оптично въртене (с=0,5, 10% НАс) :-50.0~-60.0°

Съдържание на вода(Карл Фишер) : ≤5,0%

Съдържание на ацетат(чрез HPLC) : ≤15,0%

Аминокиселинен състав :±10% от теоретичната

Чистота(чрез HPLC) : ≥98,0%

Единична примес(чрез HPLC) : ≤1,0%

Съдържание на пептиди(от %N) : ≥80%

Анализ(От Безводен, Без оцетна киселина ) : 95.0~105,0%

Бактериални ендотоксини : ≤5EU/mg

CJC 1295 with DAC is a powerful hormone releasing hormone that can be effectively used with a GHRP in order to maximize the greatest endogenous hormone release bodybuilders and athletes are looking for. Even though CJC 1295 with DAC may be a bit more expensive than MOD GRF 1-29 (CJC 1295 without DAC), it is still the preferred and more powerful GHRH component in your peptide protocol.

The original GRF (1-29) has a half-life of about 30 минути. Half-life means the time within which half of the hormone administered will be destroyed within the body. This short half-life is due to the fact that the compound is highly unstable and breaks down soon. To increase its stability and to make it last longer, it was modified by adding 4 amino acids in its structure. This gave it the name Modified GRF (1-29) or Mod GRF 1-29. It was originally invented by DatBtrue. The portion of the molecule that actually stimulates the growth hormone secretion is found in the chain of 29 аминокиселини, so it is named GRF (1-29). This chemical also produces slow-wave sleep.

въпреки това, both the original GRF (1-29) and the Mod GRF 1-29 required frequent dosages. So a new compound called CJC-1295 was created which was far more stable. This compound was made by adding Lysine - which is a non-peptide, and is also called Drug Affinity Complex or DAC. Since the original Mod GRF 1-29 does not contain DAC, it is named as CJC-1295 without DAC. въпреки това, the actual CJC-1295 is not only difficult, but also very expensive to produce. This is why it is not produced or used extensively. The Mod GRF 1-29 is far easier and cheaper to produce.

CJC1295 DAC has shown some amazing results as a hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) аналогов.

Not onlyhas CJC1295 shown the ability to increase hormone and secretion and its benefits, but it has been able to do so in very large amounts. Recent research studies have shown that CJC - 1295 stimulates GH and Secretion, and will keep a steady increase with no increase in prolactin, leading to intense fat loss, and increases protein synthesis.

CJC-1295 DAC is a long acting Hormone Releasing Hormone, which causes the anterior pituitary to release more hormone. The objective of the peptide was to treat visceral fat deposits in obese AIDS patients, as increased levels of exogenous are presumed to increase lipolysis (fat loss).

The clinical research was ultimately successful for most research subjects. Ghrelin, released from the gut, which circulates and acts as a hunger hormone, has synergistic activity in the body with GHRH and also suppresses somatostatin to make way for the GHRH pulse. An example of a GHRP (GH Releasing Peptide) is Hexarelin or GHRP2. CJC 1295 DAC is a exceptionally designed peptide and is known for being the finest of the secretogues.

Вещ Спецификация Резултат
Външен вид Бяла пудра Съответства
Идентификация Положителен Съответства
Анализ 99.0% мин 99.08%
Загуба при сушене 6.0%макс. 4.80%
Масов баланс 95.0~105,0% Съответства
Съдържание на ацетат (HPIC) 12.0%макс. 10.80%
Съдържание на пептиди (Н%) 80.0%мин. 88.00%
Аминокиселинен състав ±10% от теоретичната Съответства
Единична примес (HPLC) 1.0%макс. 0.85%

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