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نام محصول: CDP Choline
نام دیگر: CDP-choline-Na; CDP-coline; Citicoline
شماره CAS: 987-78-0
Einecs No: 200-725-4
وزن مولکولی: 489.332
Melecular Formula: C14H27N4O11P2+
ظاهر: White Fine Powder
Capacity: 1000kgs per month
منبع: مصنوعی
خلوص (HPLC) >99.0%

CDP-choline stands for cytidine 5-diphosphocholine, an intermediate in the biosynthesis of membrane phospholipids and brain acetylcholine. This nutrient is approved in Europe and Japan for use in stroke, Parkinson's disease and other neurological disorders and is sold by the brand name Citicoline. In a way, you could consider it as a more potent form of choline.

Studies show that CDP choline helps make phosphatidylcholine in human brain cell membranes; may increase acetylcholine synthesis; improves mental performance in patients with Alzheimer's disease; and even improves memory in elderly patients with memory deficits. A Belgian study has shown that administration to dogs improves their ability to learn and remember.

CDP choline is a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, making it most beneficial for overall cognitive function and brain health. CDP choline may improve hippocampal acetylcholine, this is the part of brain responsible for memory formation and may be most helpful for those experiencing age related cognitive decline.

Studies also show that hippocampal acetylcholine levels may be reduced in those who take racetams (such as Piracetam, Aniracetam ,etc.) because of acetylcholine uptake and mobilization.

Most people don't get enough choline in their diet, which causes cognitive problems alone, and further taking racetams without the proper choline consumption can cause headaches and other various side effects. Research shows that 10% or less of the population consumes adequate choline.

There is also some evidence that suggests CDP choline may positively effect memory formation and learning ability in young adults.

Cdp Choline Lessens undesirable age-related changes in the brain,
Cdp Choline Improves mental performance and memory,
Cdp Choline Enables the synthesis of phospholipids and acetylcholine,
Cdp Choline Restores the optimum amount of phosphatidylcholine and acetylcholine in the body systems,
Cdp Choline May help reduce brain damage after a stroke,
Cdp Choline May reduce symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

مورد مشخصات نتایج آزمون
Characteristics پودر سفید مطابقت دارد
شناسایی HPLC مطابقت دارد
مواد مربوط ≤0.5٪ 0.08%
فلزات سنگین <10ppm مطابقت دارد
مانند <2ppm مطابقت دارد
حلال های باقیمانده <0.3% مطابقت دارد
تعداد کل بشقاب <500/g 85/g
Yeast/Mold <100/g <15/g
E.Coli منفی منفی
سالمونلا منفی منفی
نتیجه The result conforms the standard

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    پست الکترونیک: jacob@steroid-peptide.com

    واتس اپ: +8615636286252

    تلفن: 0086-15636286252

    سایت اینترنتی: www.steroid-peptide.com

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