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Активні фармацевтичні препарати

» Фармацевтика » Активні фармацевтичні препарати

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Назва продукту Chloramphenicol
Псевдонім levogyre, paraxin, Levomycetin, Laevomycetin
Реєстраційний номер CAS 56-75-7
Молекулярна формула C11H12Cl2N2O5
Молекулярна маса 323.13
№ EINECS: 200-287-4
аналіз 99%
Зовнішній вигляд білий порошок

Chloramphenicol is an antibiotic useful for the treatment of a number of bacterial infections.This includes meningitis, plague, cholera, and typhoid fever. Its use is only recommended when safer antibiotics cannot be used. Monitoring both blood levels of the medication and blood cell levels every two days is recommended during treatment.It is available intravenously, by mouth, and as an eye ointment.

The original indication of chloramphenicol was in the treatment of typhoid, but the now almost universal presence of multiple drug-resistant Salmonella typhi has meant it is seldom used for this indication except when the organism is known to be sensitive. Chloramphenicol may be used as a second-line agent in the treatment of tetracycline-resistant cholera.

Chloramphenicol is active against the three main bacterial causes of meningitis: Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Haemophilus influenzae. In the West, chloramphenicol remains the drug of choice in the treatment of meningitis in patients with severe penicillin or cephalosporin allergy and general practitioners are recommended to carry intravenous chloramphenicol in their bag. In low-income countries, the WHO recommend oily chloramphenicol as first-line to treat meningitis.

Although its use in veterinary medicine is highly restricted, chloramphenicol still has some important veterinary uses.It is currently considered the most useful treatment of chlamydial disease in koalas.The pharmacokinetics of chloramphenicol have been investigated in koalas.

ЗОВНІШНИЙ ВИГЛЯД white or yellow-white crystalline powder yellow-white crystalline powder
CRYSTALLINITY meets the requirements PASS
Ідентифікація І
Reaction of chlorides.
MELTING POINT 149.0~153.0 °C 150~151°C
Acidity or alkalinity Not more than 0.1ml Confirm
LOSS ON DRYING ≤0,5% 0.0%
SULPHATED ASH ≤0,1% 0.04%
ASSAY (ON THE DRIED BASIS) 98.0%-~102.0% 99.6%

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