Čínsky výrobca prášku anabolických steroidov
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Meno Produktu: Cetilistat
Synonymá: Cetilistat(Alt-962);cetylstat;2-(Hexadecyloxy)-6-metyl-4H-3,1-benzoxazín-4-ón;2-(Hexadecykloxy)-6-metyl-4H-3,1-benzoxazín-4-ón;4H-3,1-benzoxazín-4-ón,2-(hexadecyloxy)-6-metyl-;Xinli orlistat
CAS: 282526-98-1
MF: C25H39N03
MW: 401.58
EINECS: 1308068-626-2
Kategórie produktov: Aromatické látky;Heterocykly;Inhibítory;Medziprodukty & Jemné chemikálie;Farmaceutické prípravky;API;Cetilistat;Iné série
Bod topenia: 72.0 do 76.0 °C
Hustota: 1.02
Vzhľad: Špinavo biely kryštál

Cetilistat is a drug designed to treat obesity. It acts in the same way as the older drug orlistat by inhibiting pancreatic lipase, an enzyme that breaks down triglycerides in the intestine. Without this enzyme, triglycerides from the diet are prevented from being hydrolyzed into absorbable free fatty acids and are excreted undigested.It results in weight loss and absorbs fat from diet. The drug acts peripherally to reduce the appetite, without affecting the brain.

Cetilistat is a drug designed to treat obesity. when this medicine is administered alongside a meal, it binds to the lipases, thereby inhibiting them from breaking down the fat. Fats which are not hydrolyzed are instead excreted in the feces, resulting in increased fecal fat excretion and reduced fat absorption. When used together with a reduced calorie diet, it can help improve weight loss and make it easier for overweight patients to get back in shape, thereby boosting the chances of successful weight loss.

Cetilistat is usually taken orally as directed by a doctor. The medication can be taken with, during or even up to 1 hour after each main meal. If you skip a meal, do not take the medication. Swallow the capsules whole with a glass of water. Contact a doctor for the correct dosage and length of treatment as it will depend on the patients condition and their response to the therapy.

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