Čínsky výrobca prášku anabolických steroidov
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Meno Produktu: β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide
CAS: 1094-61-7
MF: C11H15N2O8P
MW: 334.22
EINECS: 214-136-5
Kategórie produktov: nicotinamide mononucleotide;Farmaceutické prípravky;Amines;Aromatické látky;Bases & Related Reagents;API;Medziprodukty & Jemné chemikálie;Nicotine Derivatives;Nucleotides;BETA-NICOTINAMI;API
Mol File: 1094-61-7.mol

Nicotinamide mononucleotides play an important role in the production of human cell energy, which is involved in the synthesis of intracellular NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, an important coenzyme for cell energy conversion).

Nicotinamide mononucleotides play an important role in the production of human cell energy, which is involved in the synthesis of intracellular NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, an important coenzyme for cell energy conversion).

Nicotinamide mononucleotide ("NMN" a "β-NMN") is a nucleotide derived from ribose and nicotinamide.

Niacinamide (nicotinamide) is a derivative of vitamin B3, also known as niacin. As a biochemical precursor of NAD+, it may be useful in the prevention of pellagra.

Its precursor, niacin, is found in a variety of nutritional sources: peanuts, mushrooms (portobello, grilled), avocados, green peas (fresh), and certain fish and animal meats.

In studies on mice, NMN has shown to reverse age-related arterial dysfunction by decreasing oxidative stress. A long-term study indicates that NMN can slow down the physiologic decline in ageing mice. Ako výsledok, the older mice in the study have metabolism and energy levels resembling those of younger mice, with extended life spans. Avšak, NMN did not show similar beneficial effects in young mice.

The anti-ageing properties are being tested on humans in Japan.

Položky Requirements Výsledky
Vzhľad Biely prášok Conformity
Čistota (HPLC) ≥ 99 % 99.3%
PH 2-4 3.1
Obsah vody ≤1% 0.25%
Arzén ≤0.5ppm Conformity
Pb ≤0.5ppm Conformity
Hg ≤0.5ppm Conformity
Cd ≤0.5ppm Conformity
Total microbial count <500CFU/g 16
E.Coli ≤0.2MPN/g Conformity
Salmonella Not Detected Not Detected
Etanol(GC) ≤5000ppm 112
Záver: Conforms to the requirement.

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