Čínsky výrobca prášku anabolických steroidov
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Farmaceutické peptidy

» Peptidy » Farmaceutické peptidy

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Meno Produktu: Atosiban
CAS NO: 90779-69-4
MF :C45H71N11O14S2
Prispôsobené: Prispôsobené
Vhodné pre: Laboratórny výskum
Čistota: >98%
Aplikácia: Farmaceutický
Vzhľad: Lyofilizovaný prášok
Formulár: Prášok

Atosiban, sold under the brand name Tractocile among others, is an inhibitor of the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin. It is used as an intravenous medication as a labour repressant (tocolytic) to halt premature labor. It was developed by Ferring Pharmaceuticals in Sweden and first reported in the literature in 1985.Originally marketed by Ferring Pharmaceuticals, it is licensed in proprietary and generic forms for the delay of imminent preterm birth in pregnant adult women.

Atosiban is used to delay birth in adult women who are 24 do 33 weeks pregnant, when they show signs that they may give birth pre-term (prematurely).These signs include regular contractions lasting at least 30 seconds at a rate of at least four every 30 minutes,and dilation of the cervix (the neck of the womb) z 1 do 3 cm and an effacement (a measure of the thinness of the cervix) z 50% or more.In addition, the baby must have a normal heart rate.

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