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Назва продукту:Argireline Acetate
Інші імена:Argreline Acetate,Acetyl Hexapeptide-8,Acetyl Hexapeptide-3
CAS №:616204-22-9
CAS №:616204-22-9
Зовнішній вигляд:Білий кристалічний порошок

Argireline is the trade name for Acetyl Hexapeptide-3, a synthetic anti-aging cosmetic peptide derived from natural proteins. It is a peptide chain made up of amino acids. Argireline has been shown in research studies to help decrease the visible effects of aging by helping to reduce the deep wrinkles and lines that occur around the forehead and eyes. Resultanty, a large number of cosmetics companies include Argireline in the formulation of their anti-aging products. These products include creams, lotions, serums, body milks, eye creams, gels and emulsions.

Argireline is a distinctive hexapeptide (peptide) that has been verified as effective in numerous scientific tests, to relieve the degree and harshness of facial area lines and wrinkles in females. Argireline is also employed as a treatment method against future wrinkle advancement on the face.

Argireline is used in attempts to decrease the visible effects of aging by reducing the deep wrinkles and lines that occur around the forehead and eyes.Chemically, when applied as a solution to specific areas of the face, Argireline inhibits the reactions that cause muscles to move or contract -for example when forming facial expressions such as smiling or frowning.

1 decreased from facial wrinkles caused by muscle contraction depth, especially in the forehead and around the eyes.
2. A safer, cheaper, and moderate alternatives, in very different ways for wrinkle formation mechanism of local action.
3 join as lotion, gel, serum, тощо. In cosmetic formulations to achieve rid of deep forehead wrinkles or the desired effect or wrinkles around the eyes in.

Пункт Специфікація Result
Зовнішній вигляд Білий порошок Відповідає
Ідентифікація Позитивний Відповідає
аналіз 99.0% хв 99.28%
Втрати при висиханні 0.20% макс. 0.16%
Питома ротація +39.5 to +41.5° +40.0
State of solution(transmittance) ясно 98.0% хв. 98.6%
Chloride[cl] 0.020% макс. 0.015%
Ammonium [NH4] 0.02% макс. 0.01%
Sulfate[SO4] 0.020% макс 0.018%
Iron[Fe] 10ppm max. 5ppm
Важкі метали [Pb] 10ppm max 8ppm
Arsenic[As2O3] 1ppm max 0.5ppm
Залишок при розпалюванні[sulfated] 0.10% макс. 0.08%

Форма запиту ( ми повернемося вам якомога швидше )

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