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نام محصول Altrenogest
شماره CAS. 850-52-2
MF C21H26O2
مگاوات 310.44
شماره EINECS. 212-703-1
تراکم 1.0865 (آمار تقریبی)
نقطه جوش 390.58درجه سانتی گراد (آمار تقریبی)
نقطه ذوب 120درجه

(1)Altrenogest is indicated (labeled) to suppress estrus in mares to allow a more predictable occurrence of estrus following withdrawal of the drug. It is used clinically to assist mares to establish normal cycles during the transitional period from anestrus to the normal breeding season often in conjunction with an artificial photoperiod. It is more effective in assisting in pregnancy attainment later in the transition period. One group of authors (Squires et al. 1983) suggest selecting mares with considerable follicular activity (mares with one or more follicles 20 mm or greater in size) for treatment during the transitional phase. Mares that have been in estrus for 10 days or more and have active ovaries are also considered to be excellent candidates for progestin treatment.

(2)Altrenogest is effective in normally cycling mares for minimizing the necessity for estrus detection, for the synchronization of estrus and permitting scheduled breeding. Estrus will ensue 2-5 days after treatment is completed and most mares ovulate between 8-15 days after withdrawal. Altrenogest is also effective in suppressing estrus expression in show mares or mares to be raced. Although the drug is labeled as contraindicated during pregnancy, it has been demonstrated to maintain pregnancy in oophorectomized mares and may be of benefit in mares who abort due to sub-therapeutic progestin levels.

The pharmacodynamic activity of altrenogest has been demonstrated in a number of animal models. Altrenogest also has weak oestrogenic, anabolic and androgenic effects, but has no corticoid or anti-inflammatory effects.

They transform proliferative endometrium to secretory endometrium, enhance myometrium hypertrophy and inhibit spontaneous uterine contraction. Progestins have a dosedependent inhibitory effect on the secretion of pituitary gonadotropins and also have some degree of estrogenic, anabolic and androgenic activity.

Altrenogest (or allyltrenbolone) is a synthetic trienic C21 steroidal progestomimetic, belonging to the nortestosterone series. It is an orally active (pro)gestagen. Like all steroids, altrenogest acts by its liposolubility by penetrating the target cells where it binds to specific receptors.

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