Fabricante de pó de esteróides anabolizantes da China
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  • Especificações
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Nome do Produto: Choline Glycerophosphate
-n,n,n-trimethyl-ethanaminiu;glycerophosphocholine;hydroxide,2,3-dihydroxypropylhydrogenphosphate,innersalt,d-cholin;l-alpha-glycerophosphocholine;SN-GLYCERO-3-PHOSPHOCHOLINE;SN-GLYCERO-3-PHOSPHOCHOLINE INNER SALT;SN-GLYCEROPHOSPHORYLCHOLINE (EGG)
CAS: 28319-77-9
MW: 257.22
Pureza : 99%
Categorias de Produtos:Activity Other;Atividade;Enzyme Substrates;Smart drug;pharmaceutical ingredients;GPC
Propriedades quimicas : White powders
Uso : Health care products , nutrition supplements , protect the brain, enhance memory.

Alpha GPC (alpha glycerylphosphorylcholine, choline alfoscerate) is a natural choline compound found in the brain. It is also a parasympathomimetic acetylcholine precursor which may have potential for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.

Alpha-GPC rapidly delivers choline to the brain across the blood-brain barrier and is a biosynthetic precursor of acetylcholine. It is a non-prescription drug in most countries and in the United States it is classified as generally recognized as safe (GRAS).

Alpha GPC 28319-77-9 rapidly delivers choline to the brain across the blood-brain barrier and is a biosynthetic precursor of the acetylcholine neurotransmitter.Alpha GPC is derived from highly purified soy lecithin by companies like Lipoid, VAV Life Sciences, Chemi SPA etc.

Studies have investigated its efficacy for cognitive disorders including stroke and Alzheimer's Disease. An Italian multicentre clinical trial on 2,044 patients suffering from recent stroke were supplied alpha-GPC in doses of 1,000 mg/day for 28 days and 400 mg three times per day for the five ensuing months. The trial confirmed the therapeutic role of alpha-GPC on the cognitive recovery of patients based on four measurement scales, three of which reached statistical significance.

Commonly used doses are 300-1,200 mg por dia.

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