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Kosmetische Peptide

» Peptide » Kosmetische Peptide

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Produktname Acetyl Hexapeptide 39
Aussehen weißes Puder
Spezifikationen 99%
Partikelgröße 80 Mesh
Lagerung Store in cool & trockener Platz. Keep away from strong light and heat.

Acetyl Hexapeptide-39 is an active ingredient that reduces adipocyte differentiation by decreasing the expression of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor Gamma coactivator 1a (PGC-1a), an impaired rate of adipocyte maturation that leads to a decrease in lipid accumulation in adipose tissue. It reduces skin surface irregularities due to the reduction of fat nodules that cause cellulite.AcetylHexapeptide-39 is the perfect ingredient for anti-cellulite and slimming treatments and can be used as a supplement to any type of body care formulation.

1. Acetyl hexapeptide-39 can reduce the differentiation rate of adipocytes by reducing the expression of PGC-1a, and does not accumulate in adipose tissue.

2. Acetyl hexapeptide-39 can be quickly digested and absorbed in the human body, and at the same time, it can quickly generate energy. Has a certain weight loss effect.

Aussehen weißes Puder Entspricht
Geruch Charakteristisch Entspricht
Tasted Charakteristisch Entspricht
Probe 99% Entspricht
Sieve Analysis 100% pass 80 mesh Entspricht
Loss on Drying 5% Max. 1.02%
Sulphated Ash 5% Max. 1.3%
Extract Solvent Äthanol & Wasser Entspricht
Heavy Metal 5ppm Max Entspricht
As 2ppm Max Entspricht
Restlösemittel 0.05% Max. Negative
Total Plate Count 1000/g Max Entspricht
Yeast & Mold 100/g Max Entspricht
E.Coli Negative Entspricht
Salmonella Negative Entspricht

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    Email: jacob@steroid-peptide.com

    Whatsapp: +8615636286252

    Telefon: 0086-15636286252

    Webseite: www.steroid-peptide.com

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