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Kosmetische Peptide

» Peptide » Kosmetische Peptide

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Produktname: Acetyl Dipeptide-1 Cetyl Ester
CAS-Nr.: 196604-48-5
Molekularformel: C33H57N5O5
Molekulargewicht: 603.83618
Aussehen: Weißes Puder
Speccification: 99%

Acetyl Dipeptide-1 Cetyl Ester is a product of the coupling of the tyrosine acetyl ester of Dipeptide-1 and the cetyl ester of dipeptide-1 arginine to prevent and reduce the allergic rate in the formula, suitable for skin repair, sensitive Sexual skin, inflammatory skin and hormone-dependent dermatitis.

1. Acetyl dipeptide-1 is mostly used in anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic skin care products.

2. Acetyl dipeptide-1 can be used in hair conditioner; skin care.

Item Spezifikation Test result
Physical Contro
Aussehen weißes Puder Entspricht
Geruch Charakteristisch Entspricht
Taste Charakteristisch Entspricht
Reinheit 98% Entspricht
Loss on Drying ≤5.0% Entspricht
Ash ≤5.0% Entspricht
Particle size 95% pass 80 mesh Entspricht
Allergens None Entspricht
Chemical Control
Schwermetalle NMT 10ppm Entspricht
Arsenic NMT 2ppm Entspricht
Lead NMT 2ppm Entspricht
Cadmium NMT 2ppm Entspricht
Mercury NMT 2ppm Entspricht
Microbiological Control
Total Plate Count 10,000cfu/g Max Entspricht
Yeast & Mold 1,000cfu/g Max Entspricht
E.Coli Negative Negative
Salmonella Negative Negative

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    Email: jacob@steroid-peptide.com

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