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Стероїди DHEA

» Стероїди Raw » Стероїди DHEA

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CAS: 566-19-8

MF: C19H26O3

МВт: 302.41

Щільність: 1.19 г/см3

Точка кипіння: 477.1 oC at 760 мм рт.ст

Точка плавлення: 240.0~244.0 oC

Точка займання: 256.5 oC

Показник заломлення: 1.569

Зовнішній вигляд: Білий порошок

Чистота: 99.15%

7-Keto is marketed as a dietary supplement with the implication that it may accelerate weight loss, increase metabolism, enhance memory, or prevent age-related changes. When used in a topical (skin lotion) product 7-Keto caused long-lasting changes in the body's levels of testosterone, епітестостерон, estradiol, and other steroid hormones. Researchers have raised concern that supplements may trigger positive tests for performance-enhancing drugs.

7-keto-DHEA is a by-product of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a chemical that is formed in the body.

DHEA is a "parent hormone" produced by glands near thekidneys. But unlike DHEA, 7-keto-DHEA is not converted to steroid hormones such as androgen and estrogen. Taking 7-keto-DHEA by mouth or applying it to the skindoes not increase the level of steroid hormones in the blood.

7-keto-DHEA might promote weight loss by speeding up the body'smetabolism.7-Keto is marketed as a dietary supplement with the implication that it may accelerate weight loss, increase metabolism, enhance memory, or prevent age-related changes. When used in a topical (skin lotion) product 7-Keto caused long-lasting changes in the body's levels of testosterone, епітестостерон, estradiol, and other steroid hormones. Researchers have raised concern that supplements may trigger positive tests for performance-enhancing drugs.

7-keto-DHEA is a by-product of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a chemical that is formed in the body. DHEA is a “parent hormone” produced by glands near the kidneys. But unlike DHEA, 7-keto-DHEA is not converted to steroid hormones such as androgen and estrogen. Taking 7-keto-DHEA by mouth or applying it to the skin does not increase the level of steroid hormones in the blood.

People take 7-keto-DHEA to speed up the metabolism and heat production to promote weight loss. 7-keto-DHEA is also used to improve lean body mass and build muscle, increase the activity of the thyroid gland, boost the immune system, enhance memory, and slow aging.

A typical supplemental dosage of 7-keto is 200-400mg daily in two divided doses (100-200мг), some limited evidence suggests that lower doses of 50-100mg may be effective for neural purposes.

Тест Специфікація Результати
Characteristics White to almost white crystalline powder conforms
Точка плавлення 240.0~ 244.0℃ 241.9~243.1℃
Heavy metal ≤10 ppm 10ppm
Залишок при розпалюванні ≤0,1% 0.05%
Втрати при висиханні ≤0,5% 0.05%
аналіз 97.0 ~ 103.0% 99.24%
Particle size 100%≤20um Pass
T.L.C Only one spot Pass
Висновок This batch complies with Enterprise Standard.

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