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Prduct name: Paradol, 6-Paradol
شماره EINECS: 248-228-1
تراکم: 1.016 g/cm3
فرمول: C17H26O3
نقطه جوش: 406.4 درجه سانتی گراد در 760 میلی متر جیوه
وزن مولکولی: 278.38654
نقطه فلاش: 140 درجه سانتی گراد
ذخیره سازی: در مکان های خنک و خشک نگهداری شود, keep away from strong light.
ماندگاری: 2 years when properly stored.

Paradol is the active flavor constituent of the seeds of Guinea pepper (Aframomum melegueta or grains of paradise). It is also found in ginger. Paradol has been found to have antioxidant and antitumor promoting effects in a mouse model. It is used in flavors as an essential oil to give spiciness.

Paradol is the active flavor constituent of the seeds of Guinea pepper (Aframomum melegueta or grains of paradise). It is also found in ginger. Paradol has been found to have antioxidant and antitumor promoting effects in a mouse model. Paradols are unsaturated ketones produced by biotransformation of shogaols in gingers. Among them, 6-paradol has been investigated as a new drug candidate due to its anti-inflammatory, apoptotic, and neuroprotective activities.

1.Weight loss
In a related clinical trial, researchers of the Japanese Society of Nutrition have found that aframomum melegueta has the ability to lower body fat percentage, and decreased waisthip ratio without any harmful side effects. Recently, further studies on aframomum melegueta have reported its 6 paradol chemical constituent to be biologically significant beyond its medicinal value.

2. Bodybuilding benefits
Aframomum melegueta extract has been established to be beneficial in bodybuilding purposes as it obtains intense anti-estrogenic properties and promotes an increase in body weight in serum by more than 300%.

3. Increase as a Aphrodisiac
This benefit of aframomum melegueta is not proofed by the scitific evidences. But many guys believe it works when take a few

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    پست الکترونیک: jacob@steroid-peptide.com

    واتس اپ: +8615636286252

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