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Sterydy testosteronu

» Sterydy surowe » Sterydy testosteronu

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CAS: 2446-23-3
MF: C20H27ClO2
MW: 334.8802
Czystość: 99% min.
Wygląd zewnętrzny: Off-white power
Gatunek: Klasa farmaceutyczna
Magazynowanie: Zacienienie, ograniczona konserwacja
Stosowanie: Materiał farmaceutyczny, Hormon steroidowy, anabolina. For the treatment of male hypogonadism and
reduced sperm infertility.

4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone also called Oral Turinabol, is an anabolic steroid. Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone is a potent derivative of Dianabol. This oral steroid is structurally a cross between methandrostenolone and clostebol (4-chlorotestosterone), having the same base structure as Dianabol with the added 4-chloro alteration of clostebol. This alteration makes chlorodehydromethyltestosterone a milder cousin of Dianabol, the new steroid displaying no estrogenic and a much less androgenic activity in comparison to its more famous counterpart. The anabolic activity of chlorodehydromethyltestosterone is somewhat lower than that of Dianabol as well, but it does maintain a much more favorable balance of anabolic to androgenic effect. This means that at any given level of muscle-building activity, chlorodehydromethyltestosterone will be less likely to produce androgenic side effects.

Users of this steroid often report very good gains in strength along with a slight gain in quality muscle mass. T-bol is often used as a "jump start" to a cycle. Here the quick acting effects of the oral allow the bodybuilder to start experiencing gains and "pumps" early on, while the injectables being used in the cycle have more time to take effect. GP Turan is a very versatile steroid and can be used effectively in both cutting and bulking cycles. It stacks well with virtually all compounds, and is also effective at lowering SHBG in the body, thus making the other compounds, such as Testosterone, even more effective.

Turinabol is a potent lean tissue builder, and good for cutting.Turinabol is a safe steroid and often described as having properties somewhere between Dianabol and Anavar. Daily dosages are in the ranges of 40 to 60mg and Turinabol makes a great addition to cutting or pre-contest stacks. Versatility is a very positive aspect of this steroid and even athletes in sports where speed is required will find Turinabol a suitable performance enhancing drug. The strong anabolic effects without the added weight gain from water-retention are very favorable.

Wygląd zewnętrzny  

Nearly white crystalloid powder

White crystalloid powder
Temperatura topnienia 221.0~230.0ºC 224.0-230C
Strata przy suszeniu 0.5%maks 0.34%
Dokładny obrót +114°~+122° +118°
Analiza(by GLC) 98.00%min 99.50%
Wniosek Specyfikacje są zgodne ze standardami korporacyjnymi.

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