numele produsului: 10-Acid hidroxi-2-decenoic
Sinonime: ACID HIDROXI-2-DECENOIC, (E)-10-(10-HDA)(P);acid hidroxi-decenouc;acid jeleu;acid trans-10-hidroxi-2-decenoic;(E)-10-acid hidroxidec-2-enoic;Queen a fost acidă;10-A AVUT,10-acid hidroxidec-2-enoic;OMEGA-HIDROXY C10:1 (2-TRANS)
CAS: 14113-05-4
MF: C10H18O3
MW: 186.25
EINECS: 808-119-7
The queen bee acid (10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid) or 10-HDA is a bio-active compound found in royal jelly.
Royal jelly acid is being investigated for its pharmacological activities. Reports indicate that it promotes neurogenesis of neural stem/progenitor cells (cells capable of differentiating into neurons, astrocytes, or oligodendrocytes) in vitro and could provide an effective method to treat and prevent neurological disorders.
în plus, royal jelly acid has been reported to have anti-tumor, anti-biotic, immunomodulatory, estrogenic, neurogenic, and innate immune response modulating activities.In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration has taken legal action against companies that have used unfounded claims of health benefits to market royal jelly products.