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DHEA Steroïede

» Steroïede rou » DHEA Steroïede

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Produk Naam: 1-DHEA,1-Androsteroon,1-Dehydroepiandrosterone
Chemiese naam: 1-androsten-3b-ol-17-one
CAS NO.: 76822-24-7
Molekulêre Formule:C19H28O2
Molekulêre gewig: 288.42
Reinheid: 99.05%
Graad: Farmaseutiese Graad
Voorkoms: white crytalline powder

1-DHEA is a prohormone to 1-Testosterone (dihydroboldenone). It is commonly sold under the brand name of “1-Andro” (1-Androsteroon).

1- Androsteronetm (1-DHEA) is a non-methylated (non 17aa) pro-steroid that must convert to 1-androstenediol (1-AD), 1-androstenedion (original 1-AD) and/or 1-testosterone to be active. The double bond in the 1st position seems to slightly enhance its ability to resist excretion by the liver.

1-Androsteroon (and primarily its metabolites) have relatively potent androgenic effects, therefore gyno is almost never an issue. Egter, because of the androgenic potency, this compound could pose a mild hair loss risk for those prone to MPB. Because this steroid is non-17aa there should be less concern about it negatively affecting the HDL/LDL ratio.

Results from this compound generally take a couple weeks to be realized. Moderate gains of lean muscle mass and strength can be expected, but users should not expect rapid increases in size or weight with this compound since extra-cellular and intra-cellular water retention are very minimal. This makes the gains from this steroid fairly easy to maintain post cycle.

Test Items Spesifikasie Test Results
Beskrywing White to almost white crystalline powder Conform
Smeltpunt 166~170ºC 167-169C
Toets ≥98,0% 99.05%
Onreinheid ≤0,5% 0.13%
Verlies by droog ≤0,5% 0.20%

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