Vincamine is a natural nootropic supplement that is classified as a peripheral vasodilator. This means that it is capable of increasing blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain. Effects of using Vincamine are reported to include increased mental energy, clarity of thought, intellectual processing and heightened alertness.
Vincamine is considered to be an indole alkaloid, which are common components of fragrances and the precursors to many types of pharmaceuticals. It is often used as a nootropic agent to combat the effects of aging or in conjunction with other nootropics (such as piracetam) for a variety of purposes.
Vincamine is a supplement used to enhance memory and other aspects of the human brain. This drug works by allowing more blood to flow through the brain. By increasing cerebral blood flow, this nootropic is said to remove brain fog, help you get focus and motivated, and also make general cognition easier. You may experience heightened levels of mental clarity and wakefulness as well as the potential for a mood enhancement effect.
Vincamine is used for the prevention and treatment of cerebrovascular insufficiencies and disorders. It has been shown to be pharmacologically active in the central nervous system and in the cardiovascular system but its activity is mainly on the vessels of the brain. Other therapeutic applications of vincamine include the treatment of tinnitus and hypertension. Vincamine dietary supplements are sold in the US as "brain nutrition" to support cerebral metabolism and cognitive function and to enhance memory and concentration.