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» Pharmaceuticals » Nootropics

  • Specifications
  • Product Description
  • Product Usage
Product name Bromantan
CAS number 87913-26-6
Molecular formula C16H20BrN
Molecular weight 306.24

Bromantane (Ladasten) is a drug that purportedly improves overall functioning. It may help relieve fatigue and anxiety, improve learning, and help with physical activity. However, this drug is associated with limited side effects. This drug is banned by WADA, due to its performance-enhancing abilities.

Bromantane improves productivity, vigilance, and motor performance (movement and coordination), libido, focus and overall mood.It is NON-addictive, and NON-Habit forming, and its effects remain for many months after stopping use.

It upregulates the enzymes in the brain that CREATE dopamine. Specifically, the enzyme Tyrosine hydroxylase.

Tyrosine is an amino acid that is found in protein rich foods, that you've most definitely consumed today, and once it enters the brain, it undergoes conversion into Dopamine… The motivation chemical.

Bromantane is an actoprotector (Synthetic adaptogen), which is a kind of drug that enhances physical activity under extreme environmental conditions (low oxygen, high temperature, etc).

Dopamine is significantly enhanced by Bromantane. It does this through a NON-Depleting manner, via enhancing the actual enzyme (Tyrosine Hydroxylase), which converts Tyrosine into L-Dopa, and subsequently dopamine.
It strengthens motivation, mood and focus, via improving overall dopamine output from the amino acid L-Tyrosine found in the food we eat.

Bromantane also increases serotonin in the brain, which helps increase feelings of happiness.
In a study of 10 healthy subjects, Bromantane improved productivity, vigilance, and motor performance (movement and coordinationMultiple clinical trials also showed that Bromantane reduced anxiety.
In mice, Bromantane reduced depression-caused inflammation. It decreased the levels of the following inflammatory cytokines.

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